Our Story

Our company was established in 2021 after my mom and I rescued a 12-week-old mixed black lab we named Harper. My mom’s love of sewing led to creating bandanas for Harper and the idea was quickly born!

Adopting a puppy was a dream of mine since I was a little girl. I would always beg my parents to get me a dog and dreamed of having a puppy under the Christmas tree each year, with a big red bow of course! Unfortunately, a dog attacked both my dad and sister at a young age. Due to that, my dad would never let me get one. Looking back, I now see that my father believed he was protecting me, but my determination to one day have a dog never wavered.

Over the years my family adopted cats, which brought so much joy into our lives. My first pet was a stray cat named Ralph that I just adored. I will never forget the cold winter night my dad finally said yes to all my begging to allow the cat to come inside. The cat and I slept by the fireplace that first night and we both knew she was at her forever home.

While I was away at college my mom adopted a kitten we named Maddie. She was feisty, fluffy and full of life. That cat went through a lot with our family, even comforting my mom when my dad passed away from cancer.

Once Maddie was an adult, we took in a friend’s cat named Elvis who was big, black and terrified of us. My dad, the so-called tough guy, would sit downstairs every day after work and just talk to Elvis. Elvis finally came out of hiding and the rest was history!

My mom and I always said that my dad and Elvis were soul mates. It was amazing to watch how close those two were. Elvis was very old and sick by the time my dad passed away from cancer and we were able to bury them together, which brought peace to our family.

When I was out on my own as an adult, I adopted two kittens that were brothers, Harry and Henry. I was going through radiation from cancer and recovering from multiple surgeries at the time, and those two kittens brought so much love and adventure to my world. If you ever get a chance to adopt siblings, there is nothing like watching the bond they have with each other.

Fast forward several years and my mom and I built a house together after my dad passed away. Maddie ruled the new house, along with putting Harry and Henry in their place for several years. When Maddie passed away at the proud old age of 18, Harry and Henry were in charge of our big house now and I finally thought it was time for a dog!

At the end of 2020 we adopted Harper as well as a black kitten we named Heidi. After years of only cats, adapting to a puppy was a challenge to say the least, but her love and devotion quickly filled a void in our hearts. We now have a loving and crazy household that we wouldn’t change for the world.

Needless to say, we hold a special place in our hearts for rescue pets and a lot of love goes into each bandana we make. Harper, Heidi, Harry, and Henry, as well as my mom and I, hope you enjoy your bandana as much as we enjoy making them.

From our furry home to yours, THANK YOU!
Tammy Sexton

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